Absolutely! 'Colorado Crack' all over that windshield! Ever since I bought it 18 years ago.
Me, and the Fiat,...we got brakes, front suspension, and engine done, and then things kinda came to a halt. So not much cosmetic work (oh, and a Caribou canvas top too,...anybody recall that company?). That was about 2005.
Then lots of hours at work for me, and lots of storage for the Spider,...
As awful as it might sound, I have a whole thread on
mouse-proofing the Fiat Spider on this forum (luckily, I was succesful!), due to my poor storage conditions,...
Brady called this morning so that I could come in for some pics. Rear is roughed, and front was ready to pull:
If you blinked, you could miss the whole thing. Took five seconds.
Rear looks really nice. Brady will work the metal a bit more, and leave me the finishing, as per my request.
He expects to have the passenger fender cut, and the new piece jigged up this afternoon, for MIG in the morning.
Compared bodywork 'notes', got a lot of great advice, and saw some wonderful body tools/supplies while I was there!
And (this is the kind of friend he is) he called on a windshield quote from Pro Glass (Greeley),...$185. FORGET Safelite's $334 quote! Friends are a wonderful thing!
I expect we'll be on the way back home tomorrow/Friday. Long wait, but WELL worth it!
YAHOO again!