Emblem Removal / Installation

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Your car is a: 1979 Fiat Spider

Emblem Removal / Installation

Post by PeterParker »

After owning and working on X1/9's for almost ten years I finally obtained the Spider I've always wanted.
That said my recently obtained 84 Pininfarrina Spider needed its emblems replaced. I purchased the emblems, opened the trunk and was ready to remove the retaining clips that were readily accessible on my X's. Low and behold NO clips! In fact no access to emblems from inside the trunk or under the insulation of the hood.
I feel like an idiot asking this but is the only way to remove an emblem prying it off.
I'd rather be an idiot and ask than possibly damaging very nice paint. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Emblem Removal / Installation

Post by TX82FIAT »

The badges are either held on buy a small nut or a plastic/rubber clip on the pins. Getting them off is a real PITA as you have limited access. I recall using needle nose plyers and it taking me some time to remove both badges and replace. Decided to use some adhesive for the rubber backing and the emblem in addition to the emblem clips that came with the new badges.
Buon giro a tutti! - enjoy the ride!

82 Fiat Spider 2000
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Re: Emblem Removal / Installation

Post by Danq »

On the '81 i have, the rear emblem attachment hardware was hidden under in the interior bracing of the trunk lid. The PO bent the metal to gain access, about a 1/2".
1981 spider 2000
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