New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

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New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by NorthernOtter »

I'm installing a new vinyl top from Convertible Top Guys. While the instructions and quality are good, I have a small issue with the window hang downs.

To clarify, I am talking about the pieces which hang down over each door window. These are riveted to the front and at the 1/4 window (back).

My issue is: I can rivet the front of the hang down, but the rear is about 1/2" forward of the 1/4 window.

I can rivet it if I slightly fold the top, and hope it stretches to fit. Has anyone done this?
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by gbraun »

I'm doing the same on my car and asking the same question about the rivets. I believe that there are on the upper part of the frame of the rear window but not sure. If you have a copy on the notice to install the convertible top it will be great.
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by blazingspider »

Does the back end of the side flap reach the vertical weatherstripping in front of the chrome trim for the quarter window? The holes for the rivets are located behind the weatherstripping.
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by NorthernOtter »

To clarify, the locations for the rivets are clear:
  • One on the frame bracket near the front bow
  • One on the B pillar chrome trim under the weatherstripping
My issue is not figuring out where to place these, but a matter of fitment. The window panel doesn't reach the B pillar rivet location without stretching or folding the top. As I mentioned, it is about 1/2" forward of the B pillar rivet location when the top is fully closed.

If I rivet the B pillar location by folding back the top frame, and then the front by securing it to the windshield, would this negatively affect the top fitment? My main concern is ripping some seams.
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by NorthernOtter »

gbraun wrote:I'm doing the same on my car and asking the same question about the rivets. I believe that there are on the upper part of the frame of the rear window but not sure. If you have a copy on the notice to install the convertible top it will be great.
My top came with written instructions, which are decent but pictures always help.
The following links have pictures and are pretty clear, but I found that alot of the process is hard to describe until you actually do it. Your best bet is to see if anyone local has installed it themselves and would come help you out.
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by DieselSpider »

Did you install the tensioning cables and hook them it their clips on the rear windows? If the top is not stretched tight enough when you put the quarter window rivets in, you will have ripples when you tension the cables and the pull the top tight at these locations. The top has to be warm and pliant so it will relax and be easier to stretch out to make these attachments. In Florida its just the past week or two that its gotten warm enough to consider replacing the top without having a well heated garage. If your far up North the weather may still be a tad too cold to get the top warm enough to fit it correctly.
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by NorthernOtter »


I haven't done the side cables yet - I'll give that a shot and see how it goes. I'm thinking that worst case scenario will have me just riveting the front end of the hang downs.

I'm up in Victoria, and we've been having some decent weather lately with 10C being regular. Going to let it sit for a bit without the rivets and do final adjustments later this spring.
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by blazingspider »

I replaced my top and did not have any issues with the side flaps not lining up with the quarter window frame where it gets riveted. Did you start your installation from the rear and get the back seam of the top centered and laying right down on top of the body?
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Re: New Convertible Top - Window Rivets

Post by NorthernOtter »

UPDATE: Finished the installation finally this week, and got the side flaps riveted in place. As I mentioned, the side flaps for the windows were about 1/2" forward of the B pillar rivet location.

My solution for this was to simply unfold the top slightly, rivet the B pillar location, and re-close the top. The vinyl stretched to place well and no major wrinkles developed. I then riveted the front location near the windscreen and was all done!
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