Custom hood liner

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Custom hood liner

Post by MIGHTY 8 »

Hello all,
I wanted to remove and upgrade my current engine hood liner which is definitely showing its age!
My goal was to have a local shop source the material and complete the work.
However, I've been told it's difficult to source the proper material to do this.
I know some earlier cars did not come with one from the factory, so is it necessary to use a special hi temp/ flame retardant material?
Could someone kindly recommend where to purchase this material so I can get this small project going?

Thank you all and Happy 4th!
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Re: Custom hood liner

Post by SunnySideUp »

Auto Ricambi sells insulation specific for '68-'78 Spiders ( ... r-1966-78/).


If that is not to your liking, Dynamat offers a hood insulation product ( ... hoodliner/). You can also get a closed-cell foam product from places like Auto Parts Warehouse ( ... n~pop.html). These are custom cut-to-fit products.
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Re: Custom hood liner

Post by DieselSpider »

The more modern hood specific materials are flame retardant and designed to be installed with fasteners (not glued in place so) that the fire blankets can fall and help smother out engine fires. Some may recommend hardware store solutions however one would have to vet out the appropriateness of its use in an engine compartment or as a hood liner. Best practice is to use a automotive hood liner product especially one from a reliable source that was designed specifically for the car.
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Re: Custom hood liner

Post by MIGHTY 8 »

Thank you both for your help.
I was looking for something more custom fit vs the pre-cut option from AR, and I will look further into the Dynamat option because that may allow me to cut to fit.

Thanks again for your helpful input.

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Re: Custom hood liner

Post by kmoses »

You might try this material; ... fsheet.php
3/8" or 1/2" is about right for hoods, and it should mounted with high temp. contact cement.
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Re: Custom hood liner

Post by MIGHTY 8 »

Thanks Kmoses,
However, a lot like the Dynamat option...both of these don't have the flat surface I was hoping for.
I'm really looking for a large swath of leather-like in look material; to make an exact size cover of my original one. But, I'd also like to also stitch in some diamond shapes into it to replicate some of the vintage era cars I've seen in shows etc. I just want a material that is "cut out" for the job! A pun very well intended!
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Re: Custom hood liner

Post by Nitrate »

Look for quilted vinyl on eBay, that's the stuff I used. Make sure to get some pre made marine piping, also known as beaded edging. The piping is sewn around the quilted vinyl cutout to give a nice finished look. No real need for anything especially heat resistant. Touching The exhaust manifold is the only thing that would burn the vinyl. Attach to hood using Velcro squares . Honestly there is not much difference between this look and the original material. I actually prefer the original. If you want to spruce it up a bit just put some piping around the original material. Rich B.
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