First, a list of what I have done:
1977 Spider (California spec model)
European 84.4mm pistons 9.8:1 compression
Vick's 40-80/80-40 cams with Allison adjustable gears and Iskenderian valve springs
Mildly ported head with Vick's 43mm/37.5mm oversize valves
Weber 32/36 DFEV carb on stock single-plane intake
Lightened stock flywheel (~12lbs)
Auto Ricambi aluminum crank pulley
Balanced rotating assembly
Marelliplex electronic ignition
Vick's stainless header and full 2.25" exhaust
Removal of all emissions-related equipment
+ some other stuff I'm probably forgetting
My estimate was 130-140 horsepower at the crank, or 110-120 at the wheels. I based this on nothing in particular, other than the Euro models were rated at 120 and my build was going above their specs by a little. So how did I do?

The blue chart was the first run of the day, and the red is the final run. I had the carb tuned way rich initially (you can see the AF reading is never even on the graph because it's so rich), and ended up with jet sizes fairly close to the originals that come in the DFEV (145/150 main, 165/170 air corrector, 55/65 idle). Does that mean a DFEV on a stock engine runs really rich? Probably.
The runs were done in third gear from 2000-7500 RPMs.
We went plus 3 degrees and minus 3 degrees with the cam gears and lost a fair amount of power either way, so they're set at 0.
The only thing I'm sort of stumped by is the dip in torque from 3500-4000. The AF ratio also dips in the same region, which says to me that it's getting too much fuel temporarily (or maybe not enough air). Also, coincidentally, at this same RPM range my exhaust note gains a buzzy, raspy noise that doesn't exist before 3500 or after 4000 RPMs. Any ideas of how to lessen that drop?
Anyway, my prediction was pretty close. I think switching from GL-1 to Redline MT85 in the tranny could pick me up another few ponies and get me right at the magical 110WHP mark. I plan on going to IDF's next winter, so that should add a little more, also.

Dyno run:
The car is really fun to drive now. It revs with authority, idles like a V8 (I've had people ask me what the engine is, and when I tell them it's a 1.8 4 cylinder they don't believe me), and while I wouldn't call it fast, it moves quickly with very little effort. It still gets 20MPG and cruises in traffic much like a stock Spider. It does all of this without overheating and without pinging. All in all, I'm very satisfied with the outcome. I think once I add the IDFs and a 3.90 rear end it'll be just about perfect.
Thanks for looking, let me know what you think!