Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

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So Cal Mark

Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by So Cal Mark »

I received this from SEMA today;

Legislation to exempt all motor vehicles prior to the ’81 model year from emissions inspection requirements was approved by the California Senate Transportation and Housing Committee. Current law requires the lifetime testing of all ’76 and newer model-year vehicles. The bill will next be considered by the Senate Appropriations Committee, Monday, May 2, 2016.

For more information, visit the SEMA Action Network (SAN) website. For details, contact Steve McDonald at

This is the first time that this legislation has made it out of the Transportation Committee. If I can find a list of the Appropriations Committee members, I'll post them. It would be worth sending emails to committee members to support this bill.
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Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by calvinconrad »

please post the list if you can find them. i will definitely be sending letters!
1976 124
So Cal Mark

Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by So Cal Mark »

here's the link to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
All of the members are linked from this page
So Cal Mark

Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by So Cal Mark »

SEMA has sent me links to the committee members along with the bill number. I urge you to email them asking to pass this bill!
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Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by calvinconrad »

letters sent! it only takes a minute.

link to an article from motor trend ... rogresses/
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Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by Stuknot »

Letters sent.
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Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by wizard124 »

Letter sent. This would be great news
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Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by calvinconrad »

UPDATE: Amended California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections to be Considered by Appropriations Committee on Friday, May 27, 2016

please write letters or call to support.
more info ... n=LegAlert

how the last rounds of voting went. remember who's for us or against on election day.

Date Result Location Ayes Noes NVR Motion
05/09/16 (PASS) Sen Appropriations 6 0 1 Placed on suspense file
Ayes: Beall, Hill, Lara, McGuire, Mendoza, Nielsen
No Votes Recorded: Bates

04/19/16 (PASS) Sen Transportation and Housing 6 5 0 Do pass, but first be re-referred to the Committee on [Appropriations]
Ayes: Bates, Cannella, Gaines, Galgiani, Roth, Wieckowski
Noes: Allen, Beall, Leyva, McGuire, Mendoza
No Votes Recorded:
1976 124
So Cal Mark

Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by So Cal Mark »

the committee placed the bill in a suspense file pending more information which kills it for this year. The additional information needed pertains to how they will replace the emission reduction from those cars that is lost by not smog testing them. Cars in the 76-80 range have a 35% failure rate in the smog check program. The state needs those figures to submit to the EPA to prove that emissions are being reduced. So unless the bill's author can come up with a method to replace the lost improvement, don't count on this or any bill like it to get considered
So Cal Mark

Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by So Cal Mark »

after some amendments to the bill it got out of committee and was sent to the full legislature. Here's what I received from SEMA today;

California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Fails to Meet Passage Deadline

In a severe disappointment for the old car hobby, the California Senate failed to gain final approval prior to the June 3 deadline for amended legislation (S.B. 1239) to exempt motor vehicles prior to the 1981 model year from the emissions inspection requirement. Under the amended bill, vehicles manufactured after the 1976 model year but prior to the 1981 model year would have been exempted if the owner submitted proof that the vehicle was insured as a collector motor vehicle. This exemption would have been a 2-year trial that would have needed to be renewed by separate legislation in order to continue. Current law requires the lifetime testing of all 1976 and newer model-year vehicles.

We received an overwhelming response from California hobbyists in response to our requests for action on this bill. Thank you to those who participated.
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Re: Some hope for Calif Smog Tests!

Post by calvinconrad »

received this from my senator regarding smog bill.

>Thank you for your message regarding Senate Bill 1239 by Senator Ted Gaines. I appreciate hearing from you.
SB 1239 would have expanded the smog check exemption for pre-1976 model year vehicles to include any vehicles manufactured between 1976 and 1981, if the owner can provide proof that the vehicle is insured as a collector car.

As you may know, SB 1239 failed to pass the Senate on June 2. It received only 18 “aye” votes, three votes short of a majority. With the exception of one senator who was out ill, all the senators who opposed or did not vote for the bill are Democrats.

I supported SB 1239 on three separate occasions. I voted for it as a member of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee on April 19, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee on May 27 and finally on the Senate Floor on June 2. SB 1239 simply recognizes that most pre-1981 vehicles constitute a very small portion of the overall vehicle population and are well-maintained and infrequently driven. I wholeheartedly agree that it is wrong for the state to continue to scapegoat these vehicles and their owners as a reason for California’s air quality issues.

I believe SB 1239 provides a fair and environmentally sensitive pathway for the “older car” hobbyists to pursue their hobby and should have been approved. If Senator Gaines reintroduces the measure again, it will have my strong support.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance on other state matters in the 36th Senate District (Orange and San Diego counties).



>Senator, 36th District

here is how the voting went

06/01/16 (FAIL) Senate Floor ayes18 noes18 nvr4 Senate 3rd Reading SB1239 Gaines

Ayes: Anderson, Bates, Berryhill, Cannella, Fuller, Gaines, Galgiani, Hueso, Huff, Liu, Mendoza, Moorlach, Morrell, Nguyen, Nielsen, Roth, Stone, Vidak
Noes: Allen, Beall, Block, De León, Glazer, Hall, Hancock, Hill, Jackson, Lara, Leno, Leyva, McGuire, Mitchell, Monning, Pan, Pavley, Wieckowski
No Votes Recorded: Hernandez, Hertzberg, Runner, Wolk
1976 124
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