Took the door locks out because they don't work. Here's a few pics for reference.
Door panel removed...
Removing door handle pin...
Inside of door handle (driver's side)...
Using 8mm wrench to remove bolts for door handle (passenger side)...
Prying off plastic bracket (passenger side - this one broke! argh!)...
One of the door handles...
Video of lock mechanism...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxqGDQI ... e=youtu.be
So looks like the lock spindle was turning but the door wouldn't lock. Everything seemed connected. So a few questions...
1. Why didn't the door lock? I was manually turn the door lock and pulling the handle opened the door (ie. didn't lock)? The key turns but doesn't seem to lock the door.
2. Where do I get the replacement plastic piece that broke?! Argh! Do I have to get from AR or would something similar work? I hate waiting for shipping to Canada.