Hood Emblem

Keeping it sharp - paint, wax, detailing, etc.
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Your car is a: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000

Hood Emblem

Post by BenPeeler »

I'm new to the Fiat Spider world and I'm pretty excited about it. Been an owner for about six months and love it. I hope to engage with many other Spider lovers here on this forum. As my first post, I'd like to begin with a seemingly trivial question. Does my 1981 Fiat Spider have the correct hood emblem?


The scorpion is typically associated with the Abarth variant, which I know I do not have. Also, my Spider doesn't have a trunk emblem, which I'm sure it is supposed to have. Thanks in advance for your help and insight!

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Re: Hood Emblem

Post by aj81spider »

That's not the stock emblem. A previous owner must have replaced the stock emblem.

Stock it is red with simply the word Fiat across it. There should be identical ones in the front and back.

1974 Fiat 124 Spider
2006 Corvette
1981 Spider 2000 (sold 2013 - never should have sold that car)
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Re: Hood Emblem

Post by AriK »

This emblem is an aftermarket one sold by our moderator at Allison Automotive. I ordered them because my originals were faded and i think that they look sharp and wanted to try something different. At the end of the day it's a matter of choice, if you want to revert to what was original then the red ones with the silver lining are available as well.
So Cal Mark

Re: Hood Emblem

Post by So Cal Mark »

besides the Abarth emblem I also have red or blue hood/deck emblems with FIAT lettering on them
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