My wife and I both were tired of arriving at our destination looking like we just got caught up in a tornado (yes, we both still have hair that is long enough to try to keep it "styled").
If I tried wearing a hat, it inevitably would continue to try to leave my head from being pushed up over the back of my head from all of the buffeting. (very difficult to steer, shift gears, and hold on to your hat with one of your hands all at the same time).
Then there was just the overall fatigue of being "beat up" by the back drafts, especially at 60mph(+) on longer trips.
I have read where people who have installed them say they will never remove them because they love them so much.
Well I am here to tell you that I am sold. I just bought one from AutoRicambi and I am 100% satisfied to the point that I just had to re-confirm what others have said about them, and to highly recommend this to all who are tired of the horrible wind buffeting our cars convey.
It makes such a remarkable difference in the whole driving experience that I almost don't know if I can put it in words.
You still get plenty of gentle breeze from the front, you can actually carry on a conversation without yelling over the wind, your hair (if you have any) stays relatively in place, your hat (if you choose to wear one) doesn't fly off from being pushed up and over the back of your head especially at 60mph(+).
I'll admit if I was bald, had a crew-cut, or very short hair, I probably would not be bothered by the buffeting. If I did not have to wear a hat to prevent sunburn to the top of my head, I also would not be too bothered by the buffeting.
My wife is ecstatic about the new pleasure we have found in our Spider. You know the old saying, "Happy Wife, Happy Life".
I added an extension bracket to both sides of the standard bracket to get the deflector a little closer to the back of my seats. My brackets bring the device about 3.5" closer to the headrests than the stock brackets.