Painting a bumper cover on my Protege5

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Painting a bumper cover on my Protege5

Post by 70spider »

I didn't know where to post this seeing as it concerns a different car but here goes. My son hit a very large deer a few months ago and the insurance company totaled the car, we bought it back from them and I have done all the body work so far. The last things that need to be done is to paint the bumper cover and hood. I finaly have some good weather ahead of me and finished the red-neck paint both :lol: .
The bumper cover, according to the retailer, has been primered but I can not tell. Should I put more primer on it before painting? And being the cover is plastic, does the primer need to be flexible? Also if I primer it should I sand it before applying the paint?
1970 Fiat Spider 124 Sport aka "Pesto"
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Re: Painting a bumper cover on my Protege5

Post by 124JOE »

yes you can re prime it yes you should wet sand it.
no need for flexable prime
when you do everything correct people arent sure youve done anything at all (futurama)
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Re: Painting a bumper cover on my Protege5

Post by 70spider »

Thanks, will do.
1970 Fiat Spider 124 Sport aka "Pesto"
2002 Mazda Protege5
2013 Buddy 170i
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