The upper panel separates from the lower by straitening 3 cotter pin-like retainers. The ring around the door handle is like a big rivet. Using a Dremel grinding wheel, cut small grooves in the back of the retainer ring. Then these tabs can be bent up to separate and remove the front side ring. This allows this ring to be re-used. Finally, the rivets holding the window felt to the upper panel need to be removed. Use a small screw driver and hammer to break off the inside backing and the rivets can be pulled out.

I used the same black vinyl I used earlier to make new visors and to line the top frame. It is a leather looking texture in black. This went on the upper piece using Welwood Contact Cement. I bought 1/2 inch thick medium density foam to provide some padding. The felt trim was re-attached using 1/8 inch pop rivets an a washer.

The lower panel goes pretty fast. Trace the old one onto the vinyl and cut larger leaving about 1 1/2 inch margin. Use a T50 staple gun and 1/4 inch staples. Re-assembly is pretty straight forward.

A hint to others

I used #8 stainless screws and finish washers to fasten the edges.

I painted the arm rests with a SEM color. It is a bit lighter than the Corbeau vinyl:

Looking for recommendations
