I've heard that there are 2 designs available, one is the replacement type and the other is bezels that go over the existing rings. Now the original black rings are made of aluminium and are easy to remove as well as fit on the clocks, but the ones that i bought from evilbay in Germany we made out of stainless. And here is a big problem. It's almost impossible to fold the edges neatly no matter what. The ultimate solution is to have a special press tool made, but it will be cheaper to buy another car instead.
there were no instruction with my kit and I've read somewhere that bonding is one solution, but when fitted to the panel, the clamps at the rear pull the clocks tight against the rings and i wandering how long before the bonding gives way.

My solution was this: mask the new chrome rings neatly all round up the fold line.
Then using a dremel or similar tool remove the excess material but leave 3-4 bend tags.

De-burr any sharp edges, re-polish the edge and then place a few layers of masking tape to avoid any damage to the chrome surface.

Removing the old aluminium ring is very easy, using a small screwdriver.
Clean the instruments and glass

then with all cleaned parts assembled (ensure you don't get any finger marks on the glass!) time to fit the new rings and bend the tags.

one finished, 5 more to go!

the finished assembly. While i was at it, i replaced all the bulbs just in case.