This is Tony, a 1978 spider with a 1979 2.0 liter engine.
Gone is the 79 carb and intake. A Holley 5200 -32/36,from an early Ford Pinto was purchased,NOS,on eBay cheap. A cleaner intake manifold from a 1973 124, which I bored out the primary bore to 32mm to match the carb, was installed. A new fuel pump was mounted. See through fuel filter before the fuel pump was put on.
I finished it up after work yesterday, ate supper and went for a drive. WHAT A BIG DIFFERENCE!!!! Lil' Tony pulls real strong right off idle all the way to redline. I did'nt have enough road to redline 5th gear, but 7000 rpm in 4th was 85 mph. And I can drive around town with barely touching the gas pedal. I figure I'll still get very good gas mileage. An added bonus is that the car actually starts easily now.
I'm very happy with the way things turned out.............. Now for some body work!!!