Sliding the ass end of my best friend's Spider around the corners downtown was what made me fall in love with the car and buy it from him. Most of my prior experience with RWD was with air cooled vws, and 356 Porsches. They have their charms, and can be made to be very fast around the turns, but they got nothin' on the 124 engine/chassis for the kind of driving that I found fun.
I love drifting my Spider. I've taken it to the back corners of the mall parking lot at night and drifted circles around the light posts for several minutes before avoiding the onset of mall cops. Other than them, no one sees me do it because I look like an idiot when I do it. Everyone who does it in unsanctioned places looks irresponsible when they drift their car, just as those who drag race down residential streets going 70 MPH look irresponsible.
You might say drifting is like

Larry Flynt insisted that we cannot legislate taste, and I agree. I likely wouldn't show up to a drift car exhibition, but any neighbor who's building a drift Fiat can borrow my carb sync tool anytime, just like I won't go cruising for prostitutes, but a self respecting transvestite hooker can borrow my sequin mini skirt if she's in a pinch